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का वर्णन 人生必读100本中华古籍


《战国策》《烈女传》(西汉)刘向、《搜神记》(晋)干宝、《太平广记》(宋)李昉﹑扈蒙﹑李穆等、《世说新语》(南北朝)刘义庆、《莺莺传》唐 元稹、《西游记》吴承恩、《三国演义》罗贯中、《水浒全传》施耐庵、《金瓶梅》兰陵笑笑生、《醒世恒言》冯梦龙、《警世通言》冯梦龙、《喻世明言》冯梦龙、《东周列国志》冯梦龙《初刻拍案惊奇》凌濛初、《二刻拍案惊奇》凌濛初、《禅真逸史》方汝浩、《杨家府演义》作者不祥、《封神演义》陈仲琳、《红楼梦》(《石头记》)曹雪芹高鹗、《镜花缘》李汝珍、《聊斋志异》蒲松龄、《三侠五义》石玉昆、《小五义》石玉昆、《济公全传》郭小亭、《说岳全传》钱彩、《施公案》未著撰人、《绿野仙踪》李百川《隋唐演义》褚人获、《孽海花》金松岑 曾朴、《老残游记》刘鹗、《儒林外史》吴敬梓、《官场现形记》李伯元、《二十年目睹之怪现状》吴趼人、《大唐狄公案》(荷)高罗佩、《啼笑因缘》张恨水、《金粉世家》张恨水、《前汉通俗演义》蔡东藩----还包括《后汉通俗演义》、《两晋通俗演义》、《南北史通俗演义》、《唐史通俗演义》、《五代史通俗演义》、《宋史通俗演义》、《元史通俗演义》、《明史通俗演义》、《清史通俗演义》、《民国通俗演义》(部分)、《儿女英雄传》文康 [1] 。
《周易》、《尚书》、《周礼》、《礼记》、《仪礼》、《诗经》、《春秋左传》、《春秋公羊传》、《春秋谷梁传》、《论语》、《孝经》、《尔雅》、《孟子》《楚辞》 、《全唐诗》,《全宋词》,《乐府诗集》、《文选》、《李太白集》、《杜工部集》、《韩昌黎集》《柳河东集》、《白香山集》、《金刚经》、《四十二章经》、《心经》、《易安居士文集》、《漱玉词》、《稼轩长短句》、《通志堂集》、《侧帽集》、《东坡七集》、《东坡乐府》、《王临川集》、《临川先生文集》、《元丰类稿》、《剑南诗稿》、《渭南文集》、《范文正公文集》、《文宪集》、《文山诗集》、《指南录》、《白氏长庆集》、《樊川文集》、《李义山诗集》、《陶渊明集》。
《老子》、《墨子》、《庄子》、《荀子》、《韩非子》、《管子》、《尹文子》、《慎子》、《公孙龙子》、《淮南子》、《抱朴子》、《列子》、《孙子》、《孙膑兵法》、《孟子》、《春秋繁露》、《鬼谷子》、《苏子》失传 、《焚书》、《续焚书》、《明儒学案》、《明夷待访录》、《藏书》、《美芹十论》(兵家)、《大学》、《中庸》等等。

商 书,政论-昌言,中庸,六韬,列子,反经,史记,周易,国语,墨子,孟子,左传,庄子,新序,楚辞,汉书,管子,老子,荀子,论语,诗品,诗经,道枢,礼记·孝经,茶经·随园食单,三国志,人物志,千家诗,后汉书,商君书,太平经,孔丛子,山海经,战国策,搜神记,水浒传,水经注,淮南子,红楼梦,菜根谭,西游记,道德经,韩非子,鬼谷子,金刚经·心经·坛经,地藏经·药师经,西厢记·窦娥冤,三字经·百家姓千字文·弟子规,三国演义,世说新语,乐府诗集,了凡四训,人间词话,六祖坛经,古文观止,吕氏春秋,围炉夜话,大学中庸,孔子家语,小窗幽记,晏子春秋,本草纲目,梦溪笔谈,纳兰词集,聊斋志异,贞观政要,资治通鉴,闲情偶寄,陶庵梦忆,随园诗话,颜氏家训,黄帝内经,孙子兵法·三十六计,元曲三百首,周易参同契,唐诗三百首,子不语译注,宋词三百首,徐霞客游记,曾国藩家书,群书治要译,古诗十九首·玉台新咏,九章算术译注,古列女传译注,吴越春秋译注,四書章句集註,文心雕龙译注,沧浪诗话评注,西京杂记译注,西湖梦寻评注,阅微草堂笔记,东京梦华录译注,宋论(上下册),金瓶梅词话(梦梅馆校本)。
Reading enriches people, talks make people agile, writing and notes make people precise. ... Shi Jian makes people wise, poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people fine, museums make people deep, ethics makes people solemn, logic and rhetoric make people eloquent.

Master catalogue:
"Warring States Policy" "Song of Women" (Western Han Dynasty) Liu Xiang, "Sou Shen Ji" (Jin) Gan Bao, "Tai Ping Guang Ji" (Song) Li Wei, Yi Meng, Li Mu, etc., "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" ( The Northern and Southern Dynasties) Liu Yiqing, "Biography" Tang Yuanzhang, "Journey to the West" Wu Chengen, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Luo Guanzhong, "Water Margin" Shi Naiqi, "Jin Ping Mei" Lan Ling Xiao Xiaosheng, "Awakening the World" Feng Menglong, " "Warning the World" Feng Menglong, "Yu Shimingyan" Feng Menglong, "Dong Zhou Lie Guozhi" Feng Menglong "The first shot of the surprise" Ling Xiaochu, "Two moments of surprise" Ling Xiaochu, "Zen Zhenyi history" Fang Yihao, "Yangjiafu "The Romance" author Ominous, "Feng Shen Yan" Chen Zhonglin, "Dream of Red Mansions" ("Stone") Cao Xueqin Gao Yan, "Mirror Flower" Li Yuzhen, "Strange Tales of Liaozhai" Pu Songling, "Three Heroes and Five Meanings" Shi Yukun, "Small Wu Yukun, "Ji Gong Quan Chuan" Guo Xiaoting, "Say Yue Quan Chuan" Qian Cai, "Shi Gong Case" did not write, "The Wizard of Oz" Li Baichuan "Sui and Tang Dynasties" 褚人得, "孽海花" Jin Songzhen Zeng Pu, "The Old Travels" Liu Wei, " The history of the forest, Wu Jinglian, "The official form of the official record" Li Boyuan, "The status quo of the 20 years of witnessing" Wu Yiren, "Da Tang Di Gong case" (荷) Gao Luopei, "啼笑因缘" Zhang Henshui, "Golden Powder Family" Zhang Henshui, "Former Han Tong Customs" Cai Dongyu---- also includes "The Post-Han Popular Romance", "Two Jin Popular Romance", "North-South History Popular Romance", "Tang Shi Popular Romance", "Five-Generation History Popular Romance", "Song History Popular Romance" "The Romance of the Yuan Dynasty", "The Romance of the Ming Dynasty", "The Romance of the Qing Dynasty", "The Romance of the Republic of China" (part), "The Heroes of the Children", Wenkang [1].
Book of Songs
"Book of Changes", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Book of Rites", "Yi Li", "Book of Songs", "Spring and Autumn Zuo Zhuan", "Spring and Autumn Rams", "Spring and Autumn Valley Liang Chuan", "The Analects" , "Xiao Jing", "Erya", "Mencius", "Chu Ci", "Full Tang Poetry", "All Songs", "Folk Songs", "Selected Works", "Li Taibai Collection", "Du Gong Department" , "Han Chang Li Ji", "Liuhe Dongji", "Baixiangshanji", "Diamond Sutra", "Forty-two Chapters", "Heart Sutra", "Yi'an Ju Shi Wen Ji", "Yu Yu Ci", "Yi Xuanchang Short Sentences, "Tongzhitang Collection", "Side Hat Set", "Dongpo Seven Sets", "Dongpo Yuefu", "Wang Linchuan Collection", "Lin Chuan's Anthology", "Yuanfeng Draft", " Jiannan Poetry, "Minnan Anthology", "Fan Wenzheng Official Collection", "Wen Xianji", "Wenshan Poetry Collection", "Guide Book", "Bai's Changqing Collection", "Fan Chuan Collection", "Li Yishan Poetry Collection, Tao Yuanming Collection.
Biography of history books
"Historical Records", "Han Shu", "Han Han Shu", "Three Kingdoms", "Spring and Autumn", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", "Continued Zi Zhi Tong Jian", "Tong Jian Chronicles", "Mandarin", "The more Book, "Wu Yue Chun Qiu", "Tang Daxuan Order", "Liu Bi Chuan", "Gao Biography", "Dong Lai's Historical Records", "Jin Shu", "Qing Fei Class Notes", "Yu Gong" "Tang Six Dynasties", "Tong Dian", "Shi Tong", "Wen Shi Tong Yi", "Warring States Policy", "Song History", "Liao History", "Gold History", "Yuan Shi", "Ming History", "Qing History Manuscript, South History, Northern History, New Tang Book, New Five Dynasties History, Old Five Dynasties History, Old Tang Book, Zhou Shu, Shu Shu, Nan Qi Book "", North Qishu", "New Yuan History", "Chen Shu", "Wei Shu", "South Tang Book" and so on.
Hundred classics
Laozi, Mozi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, Han Feizi, Guanzi, Yin Wenzi, Shenzi, Gongsun Longzi, Huainanzi, Baopuzi , "Lie Zi", "Grandson", "Sun Biao Art of War", "Mencius", "Spring and Autumn Fanlu", "Guiguzi", "Su Zi" lost, "burning books", "continuing the book", "Ming Confucianism" , "Ming Yi Waiting for Record", "Collection of Books", "The 10th Theory of Parsley" (Army), "University", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and so on.
Hundred science books
"Shan Hai Jing", "Shui Jing Zhu", "Arts and Literature Collection", "Yongle Dadian", "Siku Quanshu Head Summary", "Plague Epidemiology", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Golden Chambers" "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Qi Min Yao Shu", "Tiangong Kaiwu", "Agricultural Government Book", "Meng Xi Bi Tan", "Qi Men Bianjia", "Nine Chapter Arithmetic", "Wen Heart Carving Dragon.

Business Book, Political Theory-Changyan, Zhongyong, Liuyi, Liezi, Anti-jing, Shiji, Zhouyi, Mandarin, Mozi, Mencius, Zuochuan, Zhuangzi, Xinxu, Chu Ci, Han Shu, Guan Zi, Laozi, Xunzi, Analects, Poetry, Book of Songs, Daoshu, Book of Rites, Filial Piety, Tea Classics, Suiyuan Food List, Three Kingdoms, Characters, Qianjia Poetry, Hou Hanshu, Shangjunshu, Taiping Jing, Kong Congzi, Shan Hai Jing, Warring States Policy, Search for God, Water Margin, Water Classic, Huainanzi, Dream of Red Mansions, Cai Gen Tan, Journey to the West, Tao Jing, Han Feizi, Guiguzi, Jin Jing Jing, Xin Jing, Tan Jing, Di Zang Jing, Pharmacist, Xi Xiang Ji, Dou Yu, Three Character Classics · Hundreds of Family Names and Thousand Characters · Disciples of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, New Words of the World, Musical Poetry Collections, Four Trainings, Human Words, Six ancestors, Ancient Wen Guan, Lu's Spring and Autumn, Fireplace Nights, University Mean , Confucius family language, small window secluded, Xunzi Chunqiu, Compendium of Materia Medica, Mengxi pen talk, Nalan's lyrics, Strange Tales of Liaozhai, Zhenguan politicians, Zizhi Tongjian, leisure sentiment, Tao Yi Meng Yi, Suiyuan poetry Yan's family training, Huang Di Nei Jing, Sun Zi's Art of War · thirty-six counts, three hundred songs of Yuanqu, Zhou Yi's participation in the same contract, three hundred poems of Tang poetry, three non-verbal translations, three hundred songs of Song, Xu Xiake's travels, Zeng Guofan's family books, books Governance to be translated, 19 ancient poems, Yutai Xinyi , nine chapters of arithmetic translation notes, ancient column female interpreting notes, Wu Yuechunqiu translation notes, four books chapters set notes, Wen Xin carved dragon translation notes, Cang Lang poetry commentary, Xijing miscellaneous notes translation, West Lake dream commentary, reading micro Caotang notes, Tokyo Dream Record Annotation, Song (volumes), Jin Pingmei words (Mengmei Museum).
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人生必读100本中华古籍 1.6 APK के लिये Android 4.0.3+

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अपर अद्यतन 2019-07-27
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